MacKenzie School of Dance
Encouraging every child to put their best foot forward!
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The Annual Recital- Ceilidh '19 "The Art of Dance"- takes place Sunday June 2nd, 2 pm at ADSS Auditorium.  Tickets now available at, Alter Ego, Full of Beans Play Cafe & at the door.  Adults $15, Srs & Students $12.  Under 5 years FREE.   Celtic, ballet, contemporary, highland performed by all the dancers aged 4- 17!  Come join us for a delightful end of season performance.

 Dancers from the MacKenzie School of Dance are encouraged to take part in the numerous highland dance competitions offered throughout the region and country.  When ready to compete, students are registered with Scotdance Canada, the group responsible for the Canadian portion the world-wide registration scheme. 
Registration ensures that dancers compete in categories suitable for their experience and abilities, and tracks their progress through the various categories:  Primary for children under the age of 7; Beginner for new dancers 7 & up; Novice for dancers who have won medals in six separate beginner competitions; Intermediate for dancers with six wins in Novice, and Premier for dancers who have completed the Intermediate category.  Included in the registration scheme is insurance for the dancer while competing.  Attending the competitions provides incentive to work hard to progress, and the social aspect of competing results in the development of life-long friendships.  Competitions and highland games can be fun events for the entire family.
Annual medal tests, conducted by the Scottish Dance Teachers Alliance are held in November, and give each student a tangible goal and reward for hard work.  These are a very positive experience and all students are encouraged to participate.
Ballet students are supported and encouraged if they wish to take part in any of the regional festivals, but festival participation is not mandatory.  When ready, dancers taking a minimum number of classes are encouraged to take part in annual examinations for classical ballet conducted by the Cecchetti Society of Canada.  Dancers from the school have excelled in examinations from Grade One through to Advanced One.  Serious students age 13 & up have the option of auditioning for the Dancestreams Youth Dance Company.  All ballet and highland dancers,when ready emotionally and technically, are encouraged to  take part in some of the outstanding summer school programs offered across the country.  It is valuable for dancers to venture outside the school from time to time, to dance with others who share their passion for dance and to receive input from other teachers.   There are many excellent programs available.  Parents & dancers should consult Mrs. MacKenzie to discuss suitable options for each individual.